Sunday, November 1, 2009

Memories are in the eye of the beholder...

Memories differ depending on the person who's doing the remembering. I am continually finding out about things that happened in my world that I was completely unaware of. a sort of strange way. I once said that the past is contained in chapters in a book that I don't read anymore but, recently, I've become curious about it's effects on other members of my family. Here's a memory from my bank: I was doing "kid" things with my sisters, Mom was cooking in the kitchen, Dad was building a bookcase with his buddy in the garage. Happy times. Then my baby sister knocked a soda bottle over and it exploded causing a large gash on her hand. I felt incompetent for the first time in my life as I was asked what happened, and I didn't know. I got yelled at, though I can't remember exactly what was said. I know that my parents were just reacting to a scary situation, but it hurt anyway. Another memory: I used to bang on the old piano in the garage and dance with my gypsy skirt with reckless abandon. I never thought life could be anything but joyful and secure. One day, my mom and dad asked us to sit on the couch with them..."We've got something to tell you." When they told us that they were getting a divorce and explained that this meant they weren't going to live together anymore, it rocked me to the core. I cried and begged for this not to could they have gone through with it knowing how much it hurt ME? Would they have still divorced if they could have seen the future?

1 comment:

  1. From what I was told, and this isn't always a clear memory, was that mother and daddy were in bed together. Mom was drunk or sick or something. But this is only what I was told. I was too young to remember for sure. I just know I have the scar to prove it.
    For years, I always felt it was my fault they got divorced because I was another girl and not a boy. Boy, if that doesn't screw with you....
