Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A little "funny"

Here's a little funny...gotta love the humor of old married folk:
I'm sitting on the couch...Steve's on the other end. I bend down to undo the velcro straps of my sandals (picture the noise, now) and he says, "Are you farting?" I laughed for 10 whole minutes! He explains that he saw me lean over and he thought I was intending to rip one right then and there...wonder where he got THAT idea? I'd never do that! (I guess when you're practically deaf from air powered tools, velcro can sound like a horrendous fart.) I said, "That's IT, I done pee'd my pants! (credit for that one=Aunt Di)

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's too funny. True though, everytime I move my chair and it makes a funny noise (Roseanne Rosanna Danna)he always says, "Good one"! If I protest to say it wasn't me it was the chair, he always says, "whatever you need to tell yourself, Honey" Sometimes, you can't win. Just name it and be done...
