Monday, November 23, 2009

Heart trips

A few years ago, a friend and I took a road trip to Oklahoma City. It had been my grandmother's wish that I donate some of my grandfather's military memorabilia to a museum, so we packed up his dress uniform and some of his insignia and took off. We went to the 44th Infantry museum and the folks there were short-tempered and unhelpful so we ended up taking the items to the Edmond Historical Society. It was hard to part with my PaPa's things but I knew that it would be selfish not to share these pieces of history with others. During the trip, I wanted to go to the cemeteries where family members are buried. Linda and I went all over OKC, Mountain Park and Snyder to research and, by far, the gravesite that emptied my soul of tears and hurt was my grandfather's. Icouldn't stop sobbing for him and Linda let me be alone with him and my Granny and Aunt Koma for quite awhile. I didn't realize how much I missed him.
Overall, it was a "heart pilgrimage" and I was able to visit other historical cemeteries and the site of the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial...and the tears came and went.

1 comment:

  1. Keep this up and Kleenex will never go out of business. I know that when you and I make that trip again, we will both need to buy a big supply from Costco. I miss them all, terribly!
