Monday, November 30, 2009

Expectations Are Gateways To Disappointment

Thank you, Amanda, for the's extremely functional and appropriate!
I've been struggling with my 'mad' lately and have realized that it is a function of my expectations...I expect that others will feel the same as I do about personal accountability and responsibility...That they will see the value in putting their experiences into a thankful place...That they will do their best to move ahead in a thoughtful and positive way...That they will show appreciation, or at least acknowledge, the efforts that others make on their behalf, etc. I spoke to Amanda about my interactions with co-workers, administrators, students, peers and family members, and I asked her what it is that I do that makes me feel so frustrated. Amanda pointed out that I am expecting things that may not be possible, as yet, and I felt a sort of "Eureka" moment...I am expecting people to act, or react, in a way that I want them to and not necessarily what they are able, ready or willing to do. I have expended much time and energy on supporting the efforts of others and have been hoping for the best possible outcome for them and have gotten mad when they don't act as I expect them to. I don't have a solution for my "problem" yet, but I do have a new appreciation for the dilemma. I need to know that my voice is heard and I have influence in the world...but others have the right to come to their understanding in their own way. I don't have to like it, but I need to respect it. This is, after all, one of the things I tell my students.


  1. Katie i'm speachless, congrats to you for your ephiny, (i failed spelling what can i do) no worries here we love you no matter what, and just for the record everything you have done for us is out of love for us, we realize that, looking forward to Dec 12th

  2. Dearest Katie,
    Disappointments are just one element of life. Expectations are not necessarily gateways to just disappointments, in my opinion. Things are what they are. I've heard so many times, "expect the worst, hope for the best." I'm not sure if that coincides with my "like attracts like" theory but that is part of life. But disappointments are not always the results from gateways to expectations. Look at Ashleigh and Amanda, for example. Neither has disappointed, have they? Most of the time you reach out only to be rejected, however, there are the starfish we can throw back and they thrive. I believe in my family and love them all so much, so bring on the disappointments because ultimately, there will be successes. I believe that so much. Call me nuts, I've been called worse. :-)

  3. Ma, it makes me happy to know I've helped disperse the funk. I, too, have had to learn this hard and long lesson...But we're learning it and that's all that matters.
    Love you more!
